I posted about how Democrats don't know who they're fighting against and I wanted to expand on how Democrats could win not just 2026, but the New World Order. The old one is dead or least least mor...
I made an assumption on how natural ordering works and that was for the first time I've seen screwing up the ordering of records in a RocksDB database.
It's funny I used Gemini 2.0 to evaluate how n...
Part 2 How Democrats Can WIN, Really WIN.
National Conservatism is what they are up against. It combines Christianity, Guns, Weak Federal Government, Removal of "Woke Liberals" from State and Educat...
Trump and Brexit could not have been without intentional psychological manipulation.
Thread Read...
Ugh.... RFK Jr...
Well, it's thought that long post vaccination symptoms are due to this.
“It’s c...
With the lax regulations on it, why bother standing on the sidelines? I practically have the core idea in code already. Also need names for secondary coins. Throw a bit of cash at the pools, promot...
Shitty tactic from a business with almost 5 star rating. It's almost like they desire for 1 stars. They aren't busy enough apparently.
They try to make it sounds like this is premium service and you...
Das Nonsense WWW Link Notes Repository - Short headlines with links about Political BS.
As I talked about before, I restructured Das Nonsense into two. WWW Link Notes are very short posts with link...