Learning to use tools is the best predictor for success and productivity, I would like to think. The article referenced here shows a teacher who is open minded and adapts to better teach her students how to get ahead of the pack.
Article: https://www.businessinsider.com/teacher-ai-chatgpt-classroom-cheating-essays-2024-11
It's natural to see something that changes the game forever and see it as world destroying. When your world is predicated on things staying the same forever, yes it is world destroying. The best educators realize they cannot multiply themselves like a amoeba.
The printing press definitely helped with distribution of information and changed the game. No longer did you need the storyteller themselves, you could gain information via articles and books. Online learning with video, chat, email further facilitated this distribution of knowledge by effectively helping to copy and streamline communication by making it all asynchronous and repeatable.Artificial intelligence pushes these boundaries further by making information both query-able and questionable as if it were human.
You can't pose questions to a book, for both on and offline learning, there is only one teacher, with AI you have your own personal teacher, your tutor, your coach. It costs a lot of money to get of all this, but now you have it for cheap, take advantage while it is still cheap.
They say "AI hallucinates", well humans do too. We saw in the US election the effects of mass hallucination and delusion. It is up to you to gain the mental strength and fortitude to critically think about what you are reading and how to pose questions.
This is why some people will always be ahead of you. They take advantage of presented opportunities early.