From my last post where I had a direction on where to go I found the libraries that were sufficient to get me going on the Vanilla JS track successfully.
Rollup for bundling because web components.
Lit for web components templating and sugar syntax. This is very very useful. VS Code has an extension for syntax highlighting and there are static analysis tools out there.
Router-slot to enable SPA with guarded routes.
Fastify for the backend web. This serves both static content and api content.
Ky for fetching data from the client side.
Got could be used on the backend as an http client.
All you need to do is `npm i` and then `npm run dev` and the build -> server starts. Easy peezy.
I'm glad I did this because I am going to swiftly move over to this and going frameworkless as soon as I get my two projects out that currently use a framework that I will dump for this.
This is the third post on this today because I was pisssssed.
I found a web-components UI library that I like.: