To try to fix it is a waste of time, money and effort. Moderating a fountain spout of short form thought is just beyond me.
There's no idea of reputation on the app, so it is a free for all. That's why misinformation thrives on the app.
No stable way to make money. The new CEO is a fuckin' idiot. The man buys the company and has no plan to placate its top paying customers who pulled away their money. I suspect GM, Audi and the other car companies will stay away from the platform entirely since the CEO is a competitor.
BlueSky is supposedly a federated social network. Works like email or whatever. There's isn't too many details nor do I care to be honest. Jack Dorsey was CEO of Twitter and he f'ed up there, so why would I want to be a guinea pig for his next failure? If it is like being an email provider then you'll see monopolization of the space like every other federated network. Look at the amount of complaints about gmail as being the largest email provider. Decentralized services will not solve anything.
Nerds will keep nerding talking about how Mastodon or other federated services will take over the social place. Never going to happen. Someone needs to make money to operate the servers, it's just a law. Too many inconveniences associated with a federated social network to bother with. One prominent inconvenience is moving your data to another server. A complete turn off for non-nerds. No matter how easy it is.
Hate speech should be easy to detect, so I'm not sure why they couldn't figure that out at first. All that machine learning and people and still no good way to detect negative sentiment and hate speech? Lol, bs.
If one wants to build the next Twitter, which wouldn't be easy then the top thing the services needs is quality content.
Quality content has to be put to the top. Most people's thoughts are low quality and deserve to be deleted even if they have extraordinary reputation.
Strong moderation and a form of community moderation. Scams must be moderated, spam must be moderated, unlawful content must be moderated. Solving the bot problem? That requires a reputation system. One that twitter will never get. Free speech is misinformation. Fuck free speech.
Money. Obviously a membership. I'd say three tiers of it. It's gotta make people feel like they are contributing to the value of the service with higher tiers of membership or else it is a waste of money. Elon's a fuckin idiot.
Content creation. Needs automated categorization besides tagging. Tagging can be a hint, but people tend to be shit at tagging so might as well automate it. Segmentation by sentiment because some people just don't want to hang around strongly negative content. There shouldn't be a limit to the text, but the limit should be tied to the level of membership. There should be no thread of content the way Twitter shoehorned the concept.
Time. That's why you need money. The more people = increase in probability of instances of moderation. Maybe a poisson distribution could describe the probability of moderation on a normal day, but when an event occurs sheesh, you need a a lot of help to deal with the burst. Money will be the only way to deal with it otherwise quality will drop which means potential loss of revenue.