The word that makes me think of SOAD song Psycho. It also reminds me of why I stay away from drugs even the prescribed ones unless absolutely necessary.
You never know when you are dealing with one. You sometimes write off red flags because you just want to accept people for who they are. The problem is when you become the target of their ire, they will never no matter what you do just stop and think for a second. They don't care. They spin the truth even when presented with facts. They manipulate whoever they want, jump to people who "support" them and they'll never consider anything else. They don't follow rules, they don't care for consequences until reality hits them, they seek to escape consequences for their actions. The seek to demonize you how ever they can. They seek to accuse you of everything they are.
There is no compromise, there is only one world view.
The worst of them all are the people who enable them. Instead of pushing back, they cede control because somehow they benefit or don't suffer penalties. They say just go with the flow, no point in losing overall. This is exactly the kind of crap that enabled tRump to get where he is.
Once you realize you are dealing with one, you learn how to deal with them. You know exactly what they are going to say. You know where they are going to go. They always have something they are hiding deep that they won't tell you. You don't care for them anymore and you don't give a shit what happens to the rest.
Push back against the evil, sick, crazy Psychos and their enablers.