I was using NetBeans when I was looking at the Date object functions and saw this function: toLocaleFormat(). A locale formatter you say? Sounds like the best thing I've heard of. Printing the date/time with respect to a format and location of a person sounds great except it is not a standard function. Firefox gladly adheres to implementing this, while Chrome neglects it. =/ *Sigh*, so I went over to StackOverflow for a while to see if anyone has explained the disparity in implementation .. to no avail. Screw it then back to using toDate/TimeString, until I found a golden nugget. It's called MomentJS! The holy grail of date formatting! One simple function chain gets you from unix timestamp -> some crazy date format of your choice and in your timezone! Oh my gawd is what I'm saying even now!
Take a look at what Javascript's Date object should have been: