I mean this speaks for itself:
It's so drab and boring. The products/solutions getting named before you even know why you care about it. Wtf is this? Does Satya even care about what he's presenting here? Time to step down, it looks like.
The tried and tested way and certainly Apple does it well is to talk about the problem, the pain point to get the audience to feel something memorable, familiar even. Then at times add in "what if you could do ..." then name your solution and finally talk more about the solution how you got there, how it is the best in class, how it compares to existing solutions, etc.
This Satya presentation is total garbage and throws out the tried and tested for the boring and lacks personality. Even for people it was targeted to, this will not capture their attention. Anyone could've been up there. This style of presentation belongs in a press release.
Suppose that is the difference between the S and A-tier presenters vs the rest of them.
Some more boring shit at around 1:30. Revealing a logo that looks exactly the same as another product. This presenter has to start the clap and even then, no enthusiasm. Why would this even be exciting? It wasn't worth a clap.