Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence are attributes of a godly being. The problem with this is that I don't believe in "godly" beings.
There is no "God" that you can prove or see. That would put me in the atheistic category, but the problem with that is that I also say there is a something ever present, but it's just not definable. We came from something. This natural order, energy, physics, the "laws" that govern the universe came from somewhere. It always lead me to saying I believe in Mother Nature.
Yesterday, someone asked me if I was into Spinoza. I immediately said no because I don't know who that is. That's what lead to me to read about Pantheism and holy sh** it really does capture the essence of what I believe in about the idea of a god. I always said that Mother Nature is what you can attribute things to that occurs on Earth. Mother Nature of course is not some being you point to, but the order, the environment, the natural laws that govern how things work.
Pantheism pretty much exclaims that the universe is god and everything in the universe is an expression of god. The universe and god are one. There is no separate being that you can point to, there is no being to worship, you are an expression of the natural order in the world. There was no separate being that just magically created you in their image, but instead you came about as an expression of processes that occurred in the world. Obviously, it just makes total f***ing sense because it's logical.
Life on earth are an expression of Earth. All life on earth have common building blocks only located on Earth. Earthly life cannot survive outside of Earth and isn't expressed by any other planet. The environment on earth has not been replicated in the see-able universe, but remember we can only see into the past with galaxies light years away, so we've no clue about whether those, light years away, planets are currently habitable and have conditions that could express life using different building blocks and changed environment. With computers being about to influence and "think" on their own, we basically have the start of alien life, silicon based life. Life that could actually travel outside of Earth.
What the hell does this have to do with Pantheism? Imagine Earth as a pantheistic god/universe with natural laws that govern the expressions on it. Same with other planets. You cannot naturally live on other planets because the natural order there does not suit you. You don't exist on other planets or even outside of Earth. Astronauts have trouble being up there on the ISS. You are an earthly being, you are tied to this planet. Earth, in essence, is our god. The universe is god, it expressed the Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System, the Earth. We do not exist without Earth, the Earth does not exist without the universe and all the structures in between therefore we do not exist without the universe.
Everything is connected to each other in the universe, how do you know? Interaction. Energy reaches us from far far away. Light reaches us from far far away. Energy is ever present, it is constant. It turns into matter. Energy might as well turn into "dark matter" which interacts with gravity in ways we haven't discovered.
If you launch rockets into space without an orbit, it will eventually interact with other planets, other matter, it emits light and other forms of electromagnetic energy. If you have an instrument sensitive enough from light years away you can detect the rocket and/or it's payload. I would argue that every atom in the universe is intertwined and has infinite range with regard to influencing (gravity for example), but the presence of other atoms weaken the field, the distance between atoms also influences how far the field of influence is. Anyway, this is a digression from the topic of Pantheism sooo...
Everyone can have their beliefs on what the universe is, how it started, how it will end, if it will be reborn as part of a cycle, whatever, but the core tenet is that the universe and god are one. No god is watching you, no god is talking to you, no god is anointing you savior of the people, there are no statues, there are no "religious" buildings, there is no prayer, no cult bs. It's just plain belief and acknowledgement of the reality around you and its existence solely part of the universe. With no universe, there is no god.
Crazy part of this, it is not new. It's a set of beliefs from prehistoric times. Early humans believed in some form of this already. I think all the religious derivatives we have today especially the major ones are just a product of human desires for cultism and control. They require major leaps in belief and can explain nothing! You know what already requires that? CULTS! I can't sit here and believe that Christianity is a pure form of religion not manifested nor manipulated by humans. Wars and civilization integration always required belief systems to be integrated in order to create more converts.
Now obviously questions must be asked. Does this pantheism only mean there only one god or one universe? If the universe is god then what about multiverse? Is there a uni-universe then? How about a multi-uni-universe? Gods of gods then? 🤣😜 I wouldn't even get ahead of myself there since I exist in this universe and am not an expression of another universe. Different laws govern other universes, so what would I be in a different universe? Probably part of multiple things in that universe rather than one cohesive being considering I am a collection of atoms. My atoms if you could map them in another universe would be part of the make up of different expressions.
Pantheism just fits. It needs more awareness for people to drop their beliefs in cults. I don't like the idea of enshrining statues of "major" figures of pantheism to spread awareness, because that just allows psycho/socio-pathic humans to want to influence what pantheism is and what it describes by creating their own cults around it that vaguely sound like they are following pantheistic beliefs except that there is nothing to follow! Just accept the planet you live on is your reality and the universe expressed you, governs you therefore it is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.