Migrated my SvelteKit projects to lit-html because it is so much better to use lit-html. I've always been a fanatic about staying close to vanilla as possible for high performance and low maintenance. I'm super happy about how lit has gone about it.
I've noted in previous posts why I am switching away from Svelte and going frameworkless. No more Aurelia, React, Vue or Svelte/SvelteKit/Sapper as Web Components with Lit obliterates the use case of these frameworks. Never required two way binding, SSR or whatever proposed benefits. The way HTML/JS works is just fine. The only important thing is that data is served to the user immediately so they aren't facing a white screen or flash of content. A very near release project demonstrates the placeholder I talked about.
Now I just got to migrate this blog among my other sapper projects to lit to finally put the kibosh on Svelte from my life. 7 apps down, 8 more apps to go. Not so fun since I delayed the release of one of my projects to do this migration, but I don't want to depend on web frameworks ever again. Better off releasing a proper version rather than release, maintain and migrate.
I have a web-starter repository on github if you like high performance and low maintenance web apps: https://github.com/normano/web-starter.
There are many people currently cargo culting Web Frameworks, so I don't expect many to be interested in web components at the beginning, but there will be a time where people get tired of web frameworks and move back to a simpler way. I picked up Aurelia because I didn't like React then picked up React and still didn't like it then Svelte when there weren't many eyes on it, so naturally with not many eyes on Web Components I moved to it 😉. Jokes aside about being counterculture, simplicity is my goal. Web Components with lit-html is super fucking simple. A no brainer.
I mean IBM uses web components and it is a boomer company. Anyone can import their components. Let that sink in.