Boomer Republican Governor Mike Parsons doesn't understand how security disclosures work and that they are a public service especially when it is your incompetence that lead to your web site leaking PII details of your people. Doubles down on being a complete assfuck with no evidence that the disclosure was made with any hint of malicious intent.
If I were a citizen in that state, I'd be preparing a lawsuit against the state government and the governor for negligence and any derivative of malicious intent with unreasonable threats, past, present and future, by suppressing the public from disclosing any vulnerabilities. It is stupid and very harmful to go on this careless behavior for someone doing public service.
Furthermore, seek compensation for all legal services for having to bring up the case in the first place.
Mike Parsons is dumb as fuck. It is not a surprise why these conservatards keep getting shit stolen, fucking boomers.