My Testosterone levels have been lowww, out of range for a few years now at least when I started tracking it. The Pilonidal disease from before obviously didn't help considering I felt like an old man with odd joint, muscle pain periodically. I wondered why I didn't have the same strong urges as other men, so I kind of think maybe I was born with it or at least maybe environmental factors as I was growing up contributed to it.
Not the best childhood, not the best living area for that matter. Chronic stress as a kid can cause longer term issues. It's not like I could say my libido in University got better, so again maybe mix of genetic and environment. Morning wood as they call it happened every once in a while, but this hasn't been as often lately. Hell, getting any kind of wood was/is difficult. I'll admit it made me question if I was sexually capable all these years. I thought I was fine. I suppose that's why I never grew much body hair even to today. Facial hair grows pretty slowly compared t others. Eh well, I don't care too much about these as I am used to it.
My problem is just the lack of libido part which could last weeks, like I could look at something my mind says is sexually appealing, but then nothing down there. After I got COVID and my body recovered, my wood just kept up, every day. It was weird to me. I found women that I would not have found sexually appealing appealing, so how can I not say my body was turning up testosterone production, like back to normal? It's interesting. It's possible other things helped instead like the antiviral maybe interacted with the glands.
Anyway, recently went to an Endocrinologist and got an alternative medicine (Clomid) to testosterone that stimulates the body to make testosterone by "modulating" estrogen so that the Pituitary Gland secretes more hormones (LH/FSH) for conversion to Testosterone. I will post about it here again as I use it to see what changes occur. Ideally, it will "teach" my brain to secrete the right amount of hormones again.