The fact that little to no doctors look at smart watch data when these things are active sensors with people day in and day out. There's a treasure trove of data that would help diagnose and prevent issues.
I have to question the credentials of every single doctor when they don't look at this data. Primary Care doctors should be the first ones to seek this kind of data when they cannot figure out whats going on. It's a real travesty, the idea that one can look at watches on people's wrists and not have any sense to wonder if that device will help guide the types of tests or further real time monitoring with a different device to see what could be wrong.
I believe America's healthcare system lacks curious people and they just drone on and on leaving patients suffering while fleecing them and their insurers of money. One of these days, real disruption is coming and AI will put a lot of people in that industry out of work which will be deserved.