I posted about how Democrats don't know who they're fighting against and I wanted to expand on how Democrats could win not just 2026, but the New World Order. The old one is dead or least least mortally wounded.
Stopping National Conservatism at the state level is the single most important goal to winning. This must be at the heart of every state Democratic Party. It cannot be emphasized.
The way to stop NatCon at the state level is to actually make it worth voting for. It is not imperative to convince voters that they are wrong.
Democrats Always Playing Defensive On Core Issues
Liberalism is expensive. To Maintain especially. At least that's how it looks. New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Silicon Valley (Santa Clara County), Austin Texas, Seattle Washington are the typical expensive 'liberal' elite cities also cities It's easy to point at these cities and say look at the homeless population, look at the decrepit downtown areas, THE CRIME! You, a liberal/democrat, can use logic all you want to explain it away, it doesn't matter. Look for Republican led areas and highlight their crime, the gun running, their homelessness problem, the drugs, the corruption, the censorship. Everything they blame liberals for, blame them and push it out into media waves. This is everything about neutralization of the one sided battle. STOP PLAYING DEFENSIVE HERE.
Lower cost. It's easier said than done, but living in typical "liberal" cities is expensive. The prices need to come down. Republicans aren't going to do it. Encourage policies that create stabilizing market forces such co-ops for agricultural, direct health care. Right to Repair for health care and agriculture industries. The corporate interests fighting against this must be jettisoned, they are holding you back.
Education is expensive. You know who thinks education in America is expensive? Right wing influencers. They made education cheaper also more venomous through technology. They are educating you and your children with nonsense. If Liberals/Democrats truly care about education then it is paramount to make education cheaper and that education needs to come online and always available. Fact checking is great and all, only if the people trust you. It doesn't matter when Right Win influencers have a hold in your brain already.
Mass Shootings are primarily driven by Right Wing Education. Do you remember having to have CLEAR backpacks, Metal Detectors, Teachers with guns in your schools when you grew up? It's not like people didn't have access to guns before. It's the right wing radicalization education that drives all of this. This should be really easy for Liberals especially to pounce Republicans on. How much do you hear about it from Democratic leadership? Honestly, I'm tired of this leadership, they need to go. MANY Many people are frustrated with mass shootings in this country. A blanket ban on guns is obviously not going to happen, but you can sure as hell regulate the hell out of them and call the Republicans a bunch of gun runners because that's how the guns end up in places where they shouldn't.
Taxes on tips. Why is this even an issue. No one had a problem before right? Well with tips appearing everywhere, of course it becomes an issue. There needs to be push back on this issue on the order of back to tips for EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE.
Crime, Put Away Repeat and Violent Offenders. Crime rates don't matter as much as experience. If it happens once in a sea of a million, it is noticed. Some of the insanity around letting people go free temporarily who have blatantly done a crime especially a violent one is super easy to turn against you. It's foolish. The implementation of something like this wasn't even thought out. I imagine the policy drafts and implementation was done without public input. This is not hard to talk about even on the state level.
Anti-Corruption and Vote Out Weakness. One part of the Democratic Party talks about rule of law while the other thinks corruption isn't worth fighting. Eric Adams, polls low, made a deal with a corrupt president and his administration, got into this mess via corruption and he isn't worth removing? Just because there is an upcoming NYC Mayoral Election? Are you f**king kidding me? This was such an easy win for the NY Governor and she failed badly. She needs to be voted out. There's no way, no way at all that a NY Republican Governor wouldn't have SEIZED that moment for popularity. These weak Democrats need to go. These Democrats are giving you a terrible name. Had Biden SEIZED on that moment on Jan 20th to arrest Trump pending charges, Democrats wouldn't be at this juncture today.
Get On The Damn News, Podcasts and FIGHT. For all the garbage the democrats say only during election season, the national leadership isn't interested in communicating to voters at their most needed. What are they waiting for? Same with state leadership. Get on the waves and TALK. Your voters are watching VERY ANXIOUSLY. It feels for sure that leadership has abandoned them. There's literally no flooding of the airwaves the same your opponents did especially after January 6th. Elon Musk and co are destroying many needed departments and putting people out of jobs. Highlight it. Highlight the republican crime wave, the republican led mass shootings through the right wing indoctrination of their children. Highlight it on Fox News, MSNBC, Joe Rogan, whatever. Just do it.
Keep Up The Protests. There are those who whine and complain about protests not doing anything. They are wrong and terrible. Protests are movements of solidarity. There are those in government who see and hear these and it appeals to their own convictions. Protests that are kept up against an ever present evil will inevitably draw in more and more crowds of people regardless of party.
Where's the vision? What vision was Abortion, ACA part of? What vision was "Police Reform" or "Restorative Justice" part of? Where's the vision for each community, each group who comprises the Democratic Party? The Democratic Party platform is just that a platform, it is not vision. There's nothing forward looking about it. There's no discussion of policy proposals and implementation in there just a lot of words for consultants around the nation.
* Make a vision document. Do not water it down just because someone says it is not realistic they have no vision and a a detractor. Vision is about illuminating paths forward implying that not every path is going to be viable.
* I've been writing a vision document that is focused on national issues,
but there is no reason that a vision couldn't be for a state, city,
town, etc.
Innovation and Dreams. There's needs to be a re-emphasis on dreaming. A re-emphasis on bringing up bright, inquisitive minds. It really does feel to people that we have stagnated and because of that, it is easy to fall prey to coercive manipulation by corrupt Republican nonsense. Education is central to this. Highlight the many paths forward that we have and need bright minds. Cancer Mitigation and Research is emotional and important. MRNA Vaccines are part of the Cancer Mitigation drive.
I'm at the point of just elect me as President and I will take care of it all including an absolutely aggressive anti-corruption drives all over the country. I may not be a party member, but that doesn't mean that I will not aggressively position the country towards great things especially at this moment of foolishness.
You're welcome to follow or tag Das Nonsense on Bluesky to let me know of any thing I missed. There's always a lot to remember and that why it is important to have a vision document, a living vision document that responds to environmental changes.
You can also visit Das Nonsense for curated links. Yes, it's biased against Trump and against Defunding Science and against Democrat Weakness.