America is directionless. A government so weak as to allow corporate power to dominate its ranks. A government so weak that it's people believe in conspiracies and lies. A country so utterly directionless that people feel the need to join cults and put their belief in people who offer them nothing. This is why billionaires are swimming in government bending it to their will. THE PATH AMERICA IS HEADED IS TOWARDS OLIGARCHY, A SECOND GILDED AGE!
A government exists to support the people it governs through means of moderation and nurturing. THAT'S IT.
Billionaires must be SHUNNED from government at all levels. They have no business in DICTATING to government what to do. They must be ordered to go back to their islands and focus on the future in their respective sectors, their domains. They can call government for support, but they cannot rely on unfettered parasitic government subsidies to help them. There is HUGE PUBLIC DEBT, WE CANNOT AFFORD MORE WASTE! Go back to investing in space mining, space elevators, teleportation and moonshots. Billionaries and their influences must be removed. Government control is not a moonshot. Go back to your islands, sip your tea, go relax and call when your moonshot goes somewhere.
These political parties are a danger to the American people. They are controlled by money and only money. The constant bickering, the constant noise, the constant chaos, it's division, it's a danger. The messages portrayed to partners and enemies alike. That they can add to the chaos, the division to take advantage of weakness. Major parties, Democrat and Republican, must be crushed, grinded down and abolished. No one cares about these parties, NO ONE! Yet there is an identity crisis in this country that drives people to pick sides. There is only one party, THE AMERICAN PARTY: SUPPORT AMERICA or LEAVE!
The healthcare system must be socialized 90%. 10% for private aspirations because there is room for highly useful initiatives like Prenuvo. The healthcare system must be given ONE MISSION and ONE ONLY. They must enable every citizen to work for the country, for its economy. That is the top industry measure. If many citizens cannot work because of health issues, then the respective administrator and provider is failing at their one and only mission. The healthcare system exists only to provide healthy workers for the country and its economy for the good times and for the times of war.
The healthcare insurance system must be abolished for those making less than $1 million annually. This healthcare bubble must burst. The debt burden must shift back to consumers from providers. Healthcare providers should not be allowed to raise prices more than 2% per year to keep pace with target inflation and for social stability. FRAUD MUST BE MET WITH A PRISON CELL no matter who you are, where you work and the dollar amount.
The education system must be nationalized. The states have failed. There is one and only one mission for every school in this country from Pre-K to PhD/J.D. and that is to support the economy with educated workers. Wherever there are vacancies, there must be education providers that must educate itself and citizens to fill that need. There is no space for religion in public school, no space for conspiracies nor cults. These have no value in an educated country with a bright soaring economy. Science, Math, Technology, Engineering are preferred competencies with the liberal arts being supporting competencies.
Private education is still allowed but they can no longer receive any subsidies. School choice voucher program is a failure. It was always a failure.
Policing in America must be nationalized. The states, counties, townships, whatever have all failed to moderate their police departments. Decentralized policing has failed, the experiment is finished. The police in America have only one mission: Protect the economy. That means protecting it even from billionaires. To ensure public order, their mission is to preserve the economy. That means working with the people to achieve those means. White collar crimes like fraud, deception, embezzling must be treated on the same order of murder. Racial disharmony is an affront to public order, those who stir it must be arrested and subject to racial epithets of their own. Disharmony and disorder threatens local economies and safety perception. Policing administration must be forcibly taken away and given to the national government.
The prison system must be 100% nationalized, no room for privatization. It must be a system of re-education in order to re-introduce individuals back into society. Those who re-offend will be subject to increasing levels of hard labor and torture. There's no reason why America must be #1 at imprisoning people. This statistic is a slavery metric. We are making slaves of both innocent and guilty people for the profit of prisons, for the profit of greedy dishonest trash.
The banking system must go through an overhaul where banks cannot go beyond certain levels of risk with regard to their combined asset portfolios. We can never allow 2008 to happen again. It was PREVENTABLE. It was DEVASTATING economic destruction. It was HIGHLY unnecessary. It's why Obama and dear leader gRump were elected, ironically. A total rape of the American economy. Ask yourself why did no one high up the ladder face consequences for these crimes. Execution of CEOs and executives now would be befitting. Luigi Mangione is celebrated because he did what the current government will not do!
The H-1B system among other work visa programs must change where Americans are preferred verifiably. The quotas must change where when economic measures are ramped up to support an economy then work visa issuance must go down. We cannot have an economy where CHEAP international slave labor are brought in when Americans are losing work because of some parasitic CEO and terrible management constantly looking to bleed people dry and take advantage of unsuspecting international workers.
- Unions who want to protest to take down the economy must be met with only one message: America goes down, you go down.
- Companies who want to bleed people dry must be met with only one message: commit suicide. Let other new businesses thrive. Startups will always be around fill a niche. The startup ecosystem must be supported.
- People and companies that want to bleed America dry, a message for you: it's treason, it's the guillotine.
Oh, you read this today and think you are doing fine, that your future is set. Americans don't realize they are being raped and plundered, not until they are affected by useless parasitic policies and preventable economic downturn. You don't realize there is a HUGE public debt! You are constantly being distracting and your wallet are being raped and plundered by "inflation" caused by an unfettered need for profit at all cost. The credit risk America poses to the world is beyond levels never seen. When there is a time where you are affected, it's already too late.
The list of preventable diseases and the remedies in America can go on and on. This is a short list and a short version. We haven't even touched on real estate here and how preventable the ever outpacing inflation rent/home price disease is. We haven't touched on the many social and legal issues that exist and are fixable with strong government.
This is why the ship must be righted and the powers that be as old as they may be, suppressed. I've learned that people must be told what to do, so I will tell you what to do. Help move the country forward, that is your mission, that is your reason for being. This is what allows people to thrive and inspire, that which has been forgotten.